State CommitteesCommittee Responsibilities. Committee chairs and members are composed of active CESA members responsible for:
Conference Committee
Chair: Diana Manzano Works all year long to ensure the Annual Conference and Training provides pertinent education to members. This is a closed committee with a yearly sign-up period.
Chair: Ray Riordan Monitors, reviews and on occasion takes a position on legislative and regulatory proposals that maximize local jurisdiction’s and private enterprise’s ability to effectively mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural and man-made disasters and public health emergencies, protecting both physical and fiscal health. Can meet monthly depending on legislative activities.
Chair: Isamar Garcia Works on the retention of current members and the recruitment of new members, as well as how CESA can best provide value to membership. Can meet monthly depending on current activities.
Chair: Jeff Duvall Provides a support program to members who are new to emergency management, as well as those members who are experienced but need support in learning new areas of the profession. Can meet monthly depending on current activities.
Chair: Mikaela Torres Develops press releases to support CESA and its member’s achievements, writes the CESA newsletter and provides a Social Media presence for the association. Meets as needed.
Continues to work with CSTI and Cal OES on the proposed Credentialing Program and the revision of their class programs, as well as produces training and informational webinars for membership.
Chair: Vicki Osborn Develops and maintains the Association’s policies, bylaws and guidance documents as they are identified as needed. Meets as needed.
Chair: Loni Eazell |